Monday, April 13, 2015

Tullebudgera - day 1/2

We arrived Saturday and efficiently set up the tent before the kids wanted to try the pool. The water was pretty cold but the had fun on the slides anyway. Dad returned from the shops with food and, more importantly, alcohol before we got fish and chips for dinner. We've already bumped into a colleague from work and William made a friend who turns out goes to his school. Brisbane's a small place!  Sunday we played tennis, went in the pool and discovered the creek side of the campsite (photo). The sea is warmer than the pool. In the evening, we walked over Burleigh headland to meet our friends to watch the amazing fire twirling and bongo drummers on Burleigh beach. Amelia was fascinated by Sophia who drove the taxi we caught back to the campsite - Amelia's first taxi experience!

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