Sunday, June 22, 2014

Brissie to Bay

Andrew does this cycling event most years and this is the second time we've dropped him off at the start. It involves leaving home at 5pm - kids still half asleep in PJ 's and blankets. It's all quite exciting as the sun hasn't come up yet. We drop Andrew near the start then find a parking and viewing spot. The kids get dressed. The city is covered in fog and the Brisbane river swirls beneath. Back up on the road that runs alongside the river, hundreds of cyclists zoom past. Finally we hear a small 'Hello! ' and here comes dad amid the throng. That's it for us,  but only the beginning for Andrew. Ahead of him lies a 100 km ride. Still,  we see the sun rising as we head for breakfast at MacDonalds, so it promises to be a fine day after all.

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