Thursday, March 17, 2011

First Week at Daycare

It's been an exciting (for Amelia)/anxious (for me) first week at daycare. After a rather sleepless weekend due to the cutting of a first tooth, Amelia was quite curious and happy after her first hours play at daycare. The second day didn't go so well. She was having a great time and even let me put her to sleep there, but after waking (and while I was in the Kindy room with William), was unfortunately bitten on the cheek by one of the other babies. Unlike Amelia, this kid had quite a few teeth! She was a little upset, but seemed to recover quickly (she's a little toughie!) and was soon playing on the floor again. I guess these things happen, but it better not happen again!! She spent a good few hours there again today and had a great day, showing all the other babies how to shove as much food as possible into your mouth all at once! I felt a little lost though and can't wait to start a project which will keep me occupied until I go back to work - likely tiling the kitchen next week. Photo is William and Amelia's latest favourite game - hide and seek under the bean bag!

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