Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Teeth, Curls and a Day Out with William

This week has seen the arrival of Amelia's first two little bottom teeth, almost simultaneously. This has made her a little bit of a cranky-pants, very much unlike her usual happy self, but we are working through it. She has also developed a lovely little set of curls at the nape of her neck. I am hoping these eventually spread to the rest of her head before she starts to develop a full mullet, John Farnham-style. As Amelia has begun to spend time in daycare on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (preparing for my return to work), William and I had a day to ourselves this Tuesday and we decided to go to the City on the train. We went to the Gallery of Modern Art where there was a kids-type exhibit on (we made Lego towers and walked through a room full of balloons) and we went to the State Library too which was all good fun. We had lunch by the river and were disappointed not to visit the dinasaurs at the museum as they got their feet wet during the flood, so were undergoing some restoration work. It was a tiring trip and William fell asleep on the way home........I just wish I could have too.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

First Week at Daycare

It's been an exciting (for Amelia)/anxious (for me) first week at daycare. After a rather sleepless weekend due to the cutting of a first tooth, Amelia was quite curious and happy after her first hours play at daycare. The second day didn't go so well. She was having a great time and even let me put her to sleep there, but after waking (and while I was in the Kindy room with William), was unfortunately bitten on the cheek by one of the other babies. Unlike Amelia, this kid had quite a few teeth! She was a little upset, but seemed to recover quickly (she's a little toughie!) and was soon playing on the floor again. I guess these things happen, but it better not happen again!! She spent a good few hours there again today and had a great day, showing all the other babies how to shove as much food as possible into your mouth all at once! I felt a little lost though and can't wait to start a project which will keep me occupied until I go back to work - likely tiling the kitchen next week. Photo is William and Amelia's latest favourite game - hide and seek under the bean bag!