Sunday, October 12, 2014

England - week 1

We made it to Heathrow in one piece - just. I suffered air sickness which was awful. The kids were mostly good though tired and cranky at times, but enjoyed the in-flight food and entertainment. We made a friend from Annerley along the way who helped us navigate the airport in Korea and provided a welcome playmate. Since we arrived the kids have been spoilt rotten and I haven't had to cook dinner once :)
The weather has been glorious with only a little rain - hoping it stays that way. We've been to my nieces birthday party, collected conkers in the woods, and William watched Bristol City beat Chesterfield FC with his Uncle Colin and Auntie Sarah. 
We also visited slimbridge wildfowl trust where thousands of geese and ducks flock to escape the harsh northern winters in russia and canada.
It's been a busy first week!