Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

William Breaks His Arm

At Amelia's Kindy Christmas party yesterday, William decided to take the short route off the climbing frame in the yard and landed with a thud on the floor, fracturing his arm.  He was very brave and hardly cried at all while we waited half an hour for the ambulance.  I think he felt quite special though when all the nurses and doctors were asking him lots of questions about what he did and thoroughly enjoyed the ambulance trip and then being wheeled to x-ray in the wheelchair.  We recorded our few hours in the hospital on the camera - the nurses said William was the happiest patient they'd had all day!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


An almighty crash on the roof and some scampering sounds, we headed outside to the garden to see our little resident possum nibbling on the trees.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Summer and Visitors Arrive

William models the latest pool-side fashion - whatever you've got, wear the lot!

Oh to have curls like Amelia's.......

I wondered what Amelia was doing one day at boxing - she was covering herself in Sudacreme as she had hurt her knee!

Best Friends - Timo (aka Mamo) and Amelia get cosy in the hammock.

Andrew's cousin Sue and partner Alastair visit us for a BBQ and were most popular guests - especially after bringing gifts! William very happily beat us all at pairs.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


There's just too much to write about September!  At the beginning we were in Gloucester, where we went canoeing, saw where "Merlin" is filmed, fed ducks, fish, goats, rode donkey's at the seaside and picked Blackberries. 
Canoeing with Uncle Tony, Crystal and Scarlett

That'll make a huge Blackberry Pie!

Donkey rides at Weston-Super-Mare.

Then on to Singapore, where we stayed with our friends Melinda and Ivan and their three girls.  We went on an open-topped bus tour of the city, had McDonalds in Chinatown, had a Singapore Sling at the legendary Raffles Hotel, looked down on the city at night from Marina Sands, went to the Night Zoo (at night!) and ate a Singapore breakfast at the market.  It was an experience never to be forgotten, thanks to our generous hosts!  After a jam-packed holiday, we headed back home, where the children were excited to see all their toys and we were pleased to fall into our own bed!  The day after arriving home, William even found the energy for Sports Day at his school.

Ice Cream at Anna and Katie's house.

Chinatown, Singapore


A traditional Singaporean breakfast

The "Pretty Lady" from Emirates.

Prep Sports Day

Friday, June 1, 2012

William's Birthday & Zoo Party

William enjoying his Darth Vader costume and Tumbling Monkeys game.  Zoo party in the park with some friends from school where they all work tiger/giraffe masks and played lots of games.  Thankfully the sun was shining!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Football Crazy

William has started playing football on a Saturday morning - this Saturday was the first one, which he thoroughly enjoyed.  Could be the next David Beckham??!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Amelia's 2nd Birthday

A wonderful time was had by all at Amelia's birthday party this morning - friends (a few), cake (some), balloons (lots), coffee (for the parents, not the kids!) trampoline and party games (very noisy!).



Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April Comes and Goes

April sees the end of Term 1, school Holidays, a trip to Currumbin Wildlife Park, Easter, start of Term 2 and Amelia's 2nd Birthday - what a busy month!   

Monday, January 23, 2012

First Day of School

The first day of school has finally arrived and William looked very smart in his uniform. We were all a bit nervous and didn't know what to expect, but after the initial classroom arrival chaos, he settled down to a puzzle with his friend Ben (who he knew from kindy). From what information I gathered, William and Ben stuck together all day and there was a story, some lunch and William managed to remember another boy's name - William!

Andrew and I coped well (assisted by some coffee and biscuits) and Amelia and I had quite a nice day together playing. Lets hope the rest of the week goes as well!!

Monday, January 2, 2012


What a fantastic place! Australia's best kept secret - green hills and valleys, big mountains and excellent salmon :) We stayed just outside Hobart at a friends place for Christmas and loved the clean air and the cool breeze. The kids enjoyed collecting the eggs from the chickens every morning and watching the "wobblies" (wallaby's) in the evening.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone. We had a wonderful time in Tasmania over Christmas. Hope you all enjoyed the holiday season too.