Saturday, July 24, 2010


After leaving William and Amelia alone for two minutes, I returned to the room to be met with a gleeful, "I stuck a sticker on Amelia's heeeaaaaddd!!!" from William. I couldn't help but laugh and be thankful it was only a sticker - it could've been a lot worse! It's nice to see William including Amelia in his games.

We have all had bad colds over the last few weeks and are just now recovering. Two big things this past week are, William has done away with his dummy and is doing very well without it and Amelia laughed for the first time (at William and his silly antics). Amelia is over 4kg now and 55cm at the last weigh in (which was a couple of weeks ago now). I am thoroughly enjoying dressing her up in all her beautiful outfits, just like a real live doll...its such fun!

Check out the new photos under May/June and July.......