Saturday, June 26, 2010

Time Flies!

It's hard to believe Amelia is almost 8 weeks old. The first 6 weeks (as with William) were spent in a bit of an exhausted dazed state. She has reflux which means she vomits a lot and she's constantly unsettled. It's only recently we've decided her middle name will be Grace, as many other names we liked or had family connections with didn't seem to fit. She is getting easier as she gets older and William is a great big brother and helps to rock her, put her dummy in and shares his toys. A big thank you to everyone who sent presents, money and clothes over for her I am getting around to writing to thank you in person - there's just so much to do all the time (the outfit pictured knitted by my step-mum Jo). Hence the reason the blog is only now being updated. If you look under the Gallery and click on June 2010, you'll see a few new photos too. I'll add more when I can. Bye! Lisa X