Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Bump

I've had a few requests for a photo of me and my here we are, plus William (who wants to be in every photo taken!). William is beginning to realise there's "a baby in mummy's tummy" and caused a slight stir when announcing there was also one in daddy's tummy (much to his dad's horror)!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year to Everyone!

Christmas is over for another year and we had a very nice (but quiet) one. It started with the opening of William's much anticipated presents in bed, then we had friends over for Christmas lunch (which extended way into the early evening) and ended with all of us getting competitive on the Wii (even the toddlers!). Thankfully, the rain held off for lunch, but its a shame it rained with avengence for the rest of the week.

We went to a BBQ on New Year's Eve at a friends house, but William was so tired by 9.30, we had to go. He wasn't the only one though, we ended up asleep ourselves by 10.30 - so much for seeing in the New Year!! We took lots of photos over Christmas, which are in the December Gallery.