Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I'm learning how to use the blog again after a significant absence. I'll attempt to update it a bit more often than every quarter!
We've had a good week - William and I went to the beach on Sunday with a neighbour and her son. The sun was shining, but it was very windy - excellent weather for kite flying as we discovered. The boys had a great time and William fell asleep very soon after we got back in the car to head home. Andrew stayed home so he could continue work on the pool deck he's building (by himself). It's slow going, but looking very sturdy so far. We have workmen coming in later this week to start paving around the pool too - all in time for the summer season. They'll also be rendering our external garden walls which are in dire need of attention. So hopefully will be able to post up a picture of our "facelift" in a week or two.
That's all for now.....I will write again soon!